A lot of people ask us if they can pick out their puppy in person. If the puppies are under 8 weeks, the answer is unfortunately not. Little puppies are susceptible to all kinds of illness. Also, puppies are raised in our home, and we don’t allow anyone inside of our home to protect our puppies and our family. Puppy families may select their puppy via photos, videos, and Facetime before puppies are 8 weeks old.
After puppies are 8 weeks old, if multiple puppies are available from the same litter or of the same breed, families who have placed a deposit may come and choose their puppy from 2 or 3 available puppies. We no longer allow anyone to “just come take a look” without a deposit. We are not a pet store, and we do not have time to spare for window shopping. We are always happy to Facetime or provide references for those who are worried about being scammed.
Even those who do come to pick out their puppy in person have a hard time deciding upon which puppy to choose, because all of our puppies are wonderful! And 99 percent of the time, we have already chosen the puppy the family decides upon, because we listen to the needs of our families and know our puppies well.